Raison d'etre. (Scuse my French).

The problem with this blog thing seems to be that although you start with great ideas it soon becomes obvious that getting them down on 'paper' is not so easy.

I suppose if I'm truthfull this blog is an advert for all things Norton, the Norton Owners Club and the Norfolk Branch of that Club. Oh and Me! It also means spending time to update on a fairly regular basis. That could be the death of it.

If you are a Norton Owner and are guided by someone to this blog or if you just happen to stumble over it, and yor bike is sitting in a shed unloved, I hope the pictures you see and the blah you read here are enough to get you wielding a spanner or two in an attempt to get out on the road. Its where your Norton belongs.

Riding a Norton is just 'COOL'. Something that has to be done before you check out. There! I've said it. Have you done it?

Evening Commando

Evening Commando

Pictures say a thousand words

Pictures say a thousand words although when you own a Norton you can only truly express the experience using words. I hope to use a few here as time goes by. If anyone stumbles across this blog I hope you will find something of interest. Good luck to you.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Questions Questions Questions!

Here is a question for you!  'What is the question most asked in the classic vehicle world with an answer that is ignored the most'?  By reading this next bit you might figure it out.
The particular question I have in mind has already been asked in the new NOC web site and had me grinding my teeth in frustration.
My answer for anyone who is prepared to listen is 20/50.  There are others on the planet who will recommend other grades, but 20/50 gets my vote because I have done hundreds of thousands of miles on it and I love it.  In the 1970s I owned a Mk2 Cortina that regularly did huge distances from the North of Scotland to South Wales and back.  I oiled that with 20/50 and it never faltered.  I put 20/50 in my little 250cc BSA in the 70s and that never faltered.  If I thought that I would benefit from using the stuff myself, I would probably drink it.
I'm sure that the question will never be answered to everyone's satisfaction, because someone out there will say that the straight 40 that they use is far better.  Well bully for you whoever you are.  20/50 does it for me and that does it for me.
Oh yes!  Having taken my Commando engine apart after many thousands of miles in the last few years because of a broken up crank shaft spacer, I have found no discernable new wear anywhere since I last put it together.
20/50.  20/50.  20/50.  Come on.  Say it after me!  20/50.